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OCI Registry

The OCI Registry type is very much like the docker registry type, except it will be built out with specific implementations in mind.

For example:

Users that want to integrate with ECR can use the provider type to programmatically interact with AWS and rotate the credentials for pulling their images.


  • Image Name - The name for the image, in the format organization/imagename:tag or imagename:tag.
  • Registry URL - The URL for the remote registry to pull from.



This is simply a username and password for the remote registry.


  • Provider - Right now the only value for this is AWS ECR.
  • API Key - An API key to be used for authenticating against the Registry.
  • Secret - The secret to be used for authenticating against the Registry.
  • Region - The region the registry is set up in.


The webhook wil do a GET request to the specified URL, and expects back a base-64 encoded string that when decoded is in the format username:token