Stages and Steps
Stages and steps are the collections of actions that make up pipelines on the Cycle platform.
Most steps have the option to be added as a Reference. A reference is something that can be "referred" to in later steps for this or other stages. A reference cannot be referred to until it is created.
Steps Action List
The following is a full list of supported pipeline steps.
- Sleep - an amount of time for the pipeline to wait in seconds before moving to the next step.
- Post To Webhook - Run a POST request to an endpoint with step or custom body info. Can be customized for retry and fail scenarios.
- Get Webhook - Run a GET request against an endpoint, can be customized for retry and fail scenarios.
- Container Create - create a container resource.
- Container Restart - restart a container resource.
- Container Start - start a container resource.
- Container Stop - stop a container resource.
- Container Delete - delete a container resource.
- Image Source Create - create an image source that can be used to create and import images.
- Image Create - create the shell of an image that will be populated with data when the image is imported.
- Image Import - import the resources that will make up the image from the connected image source.
- Create and Import Image - takes the image create and image import step and combines them into one.
- Images Prune - prune all or a list of images by source.
- Environment Create - create an environment resource.
- Environment Start - start an environment resource.
- Environment Start - start an environment resource.
- Environment Stop - stop an environment resource.
- Environment Delete - delete an environment resource.
- Stack Build Create - build the shell of a stack that will be used to generate the stack build.
- Stack Build Generate - generate a full build of the stack.
- Stack Build Deploy - deploy a given stack to an environment.
- Prune Stack - remove all unused builds of a given stack.
- Update Deployment Tag Version - updates a deployment tag from one tag to another.
- Prune Environment Deployments - prunes all deployments (including their containers) in an environment that do not have tags associated with them.
- Start Environment Deployment - start a deployment by version or tag for a given environment.
- Stop Environment Deployment - stop a deployment by version or tag for a given environment.
- Wait For Environment Deployment Health Check - a step that waits for a given environment deployment to be deemed healthy.
- Trigger Function Container (beta) - fire a function container, optionally setting token and environment variables.
This step looks to see if there are any containers in the deployment which have the deployment > health check configuration enabled. If there are it waits for those containers to check in as healthy or it fails
Each of these steps can be added to a stage one or more times through the editor. All steps can be referenced by an optional identifier and the results of that step can be reused in other steps.