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Pipeline Variables

Dynamic Mode

To use pipeline variables set the pipeline to Dynamic mode. This can be set either during pipeline creation or on the settings page of a pipeline with the checkbox.

Certain field values in pipelines can use pipeline variables. Similar in syntax to stack variables, pipeline variables follow the variable name wrapped in double curly brackets.

Example: {{variable-name}}

These variable names (keys) can be made up of:

  • a-z
  • 0-9
  • -

Available on:

In the portal pipeline editor, users will notice the </> icon on steps that allow for variables to be used.

variable support

Magic Variables

There are currently 4 magic variables which automatically contrive their value on pipeline run:

  1. Date - {{date}} - 2024-08-13
  2. Date-time - {{date-time}} - 2024-08-13 16:57:24
  3. Time - {{time}} - 16:57:24
  4. Time RFC - {{time-rfc3339}} - 2024-08-13T16:57:24Z

Fluid Identifiers

A fluid identifier on Cycle is one or more identifiers, in a text format, that allow the user to identify resources in as specific of terms as they see fit.

Valid identifiers:



I'd like to specify a container in an environment.


or I can use shorthand
