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Image Sources

By creating a source and giving Cycle access to a specific image, developers can easily reimage containers without constantly managing credentials.

Creating Sources

There are currently 4 types of image sources supported.

  1. Docker Hub - create an image source from an existing image repo on Docker Hub.
  2. Docker Registry - create an image source from an exisitng image repo on a private Docker registry, with support for other registry types coming very soon!
  3. Docker File - create an image source from a repositiory hosted on any git solution (private or public) by adding a Dockerfile to your repo and telling Cycle where its located.
  4. OCI Registry - create an image source from an existing OCI registry. With additional ECR flavor specific support built in for advanced auth mechanics.

Additionally, users can set access controls for the image source during create.

Managing Sources

Easily manage sources by clicking on the Images tab in the main navigation and then clicking on any individual source. Then choose the settings tab from the horizontal navigation.

From settings a user can make updates to the name, description, and image data (based on the type).

Under the Access Controls section the user can set image source access controls.


Choosing to delete a source is irreversible.

Image Source Graph

graph TD A[New Image Source] A --> B{Source Type} B --> C[DockerHub] B --> D[Docker Registry] B --> E[OCI Registry] B --> F{Dockerfile Type} F --> H[Git Repo] F --> I[Tar_gz]