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Getting Help

There are many ways to get help, both for new users and those experienced with the platform.

The fastest way to get help is through this documentation along with our YouTube channel. For direct interactions with the community and Cycle team members, our Slack channel is available. If you'd really like to avoid Slack and want to use email, you can reach out to and someone will get back to you promptly.

While working through issues can be frustrating, our team loves giving a helping hand... however there are some things that can make it much easier for us to get you the solution you need quickly:

  • A clear summary that gives us a short but complete idea of what you were trying to do, what happened, and what you expected.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue, if it's a bug or some unexpected behavior.
  • Screenshots if there is no sensitive information present on the page, showing more info about the issue you're running into and supporting the summary.
  • And any attempted solutions or any information on what you've tried to solve the issue so far.

Finally, if you've looked in this documentation for a solution to the issue and not found an answer, we'd love to know about that as well. We're dedicated to making this resource a single source of truth for all things Cycle (along with the API docs)