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Cycle Primitives

The Cycle platform exposes several primitives to the user. This sections hopes to give new users an idea of how these primitives are organized and a pathway to understanding how to user them.

Beyond this understanding, we'd like users to also know that the goal with Cycle is to be a unified toolset offering full vertical integration in a way that no other container PaaS offers. So as you learn about these primitives, please keep in mind that a big part of the reason this platform is built the way it is, is to give the user more power without the heavy burden of adding tons more tools, packages, or services to the mix.

HubsThe hub is the highest level resource. It is directly tied to a tier and it describes the access rights you have for the platform, the number of users, servers, environments, images, etc... All other resources, when created, are a part of a hub.
InfrastructureRepresents the collection of servers, clusters, providers, IPs, and auto scale groups
ProvidersA provider on Cycle is either a native provider or a custom integration. Example AWS is a native provider a user can easily integrate with
ClustersA cluster represents a group of servers from one or more providers that are associated by name.
ServersServers are simply compute nodes deployed through the platform, into a cluster.
IPsIP's on Cycle are IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that have been provisioned from a provider and are either in use or free to be assigned.
Auto Scale GroupsThese groups define how Cycle should treat infrastructure during scaling events.
EnvironmentsThis resource represents a group of containers that share an isolated network that spans all servers in a given cluster.
DeploymentsMaintain multiple independent versions of their applications within one single environment.
Scoped VariablesScoped variables allow users to assign variables in the format of environment variables, api returns, or files to one or more containers in an environment.
ImagesAn image on Cycle is an atomic copy of a filesystem. They can be built from multiple different sources.
Image SourceAn image source is location, type, and authentication information to be used in creating images
ContainersA container, on Cycle, represents the combination of an image and a configuration.
InstancesAn instance is a copy of a container.
StacksUsing stacks, users can configure every aspect of application(s) ahead of time, save it to a version controlled repo, and have Cycle automate the deployment.
PipelinesPipelines give users a way to create automations in a declarative way.
DNSCycle offers full featured DNS tooling and users can create both DNS zones and DNS records in those zones.
NetworksA network on Cycle represents a software defined network used to connected between 2 and 8 environments.