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Non-Hosted Zones Workflow

How to use a non-hosted zone on Cycle.

The main difference between hosted and non-hosted zones is your nameservers will not be pointed to Cycle. You'll need to set up two things to make sure your DNS is properly routed.

  1. Create a Linked record pointing to the container you'd like to route traffic to. (You may need to create a new zone for this if you don't already have one.)
  2. On your domain provider, point an A/AAAA record to the load balancer of the environment you're routing to.

To find out which load balancer(s) to add A/AAAA records for, navigate to Cycle and find the environment your container is in and copy the IP's from that environments dashboard.

After all the pieces are in place, when a request is made your domain managers nameservers will resolve the A/AAAA record(s). Because the non-hosted zone has a linked record pointing to the container with the same domain, the load balancer will "know how" to route that traffic to the correct container.

DNS Caching

If you've followed the above and you're getting DNS resolution errors, the issue is likely a local DNS cache. You can either wait for the cache to drop or run some type of flush (depending on your OS).