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Container Environment Variables

Each container you build will have a set of Cycle specific environment variables as well as any base and custom environment variables you've included.

Cycle automatically populates environment variables defined on the container image, but allows you to change the values or add completely new variables. These can be accessed within the container in your code.

Some environment variables are always created by Cycle, regardless of the image. Below is a full list of those values.

CYCLE_API_TOKENA token that's used by instances to authenticate against the compute service.
CYCLE_AUTO_STARTIf the platform decided that this instance needs to be (re)started and is the cause of the start this value will be yes, otherwise no.
CYCLE_CONTAINER_IDENTIFIERAn identifier used for this container.
CYCLE_CONTAINER_IDThe ID of the container.
CYCLE_COMPUTE_PROXYThe Cycle compute proxy url.
CYCLE_ENVIRONMENT_IDThe ID of the environment this container is deployed in.
CYCLE_INSTANCE_IDThe ID of the instance.
CYCLE_INSTANCE_IPV6_IPThe IPv6 address of this specific instance.
CYCLE_INSTANCE_IPV6_SUBNETThe subnet of the instance itself. If there are 5 instances this will be 1-5 depending on the instance.
CYCLE_INSTANCE_IPV6_CIDRThe IPv6 address range this instance can be assigned to.
CYCLE_LOCATION_IDThe location of the server that this container is deployed to.
CYCLE_PROVIDER_IDENTIFIERAn identifier that indicates the provider of the server.
CYCLE_PROVIDER_LOCATIONThe physical location of the server displayed as an abbreviation.
CYCLE_SERVER_IDThe ID of the server this container is deployed to.
CYCLE_DEPLOYMENT_VERSIONIf the container instance is part of a deployment, this is the version of that deployment.
CYCLE_PROVIDER_VENDORThe provider that the container instance is currently running on.
CYCLE_CPU_PERIODA value in microseconds. 100,000 is equal to 100 milliseconds or 100% of a period.
CYCLE_CPU_QUOTAA value in microseconds. 100,000 is equal to 100 milliseconds or 100% of one core.
CYCLE_CPU_LIMITEDA value that reads yes if the container instance has limits on how much of the underlying CPU it can use or no if it is unlimited.

Environment variables defined on the image cannot be removed. Cycle interprets these as critical to the way your program works. However, their values can be changed, which may be useful for things such as specific development-only settings.

Possible Sources of Environment Variables

While Cycle will provide a special set of environment variables, there are also several other sources of runtime environment variables for container instances.

  • Cycle Environment Variables
  • Image Defined Environment Variables
  • User Defined Environment Variables (Container Config)
  • User Defined Scoped Variables

Function containers have a special environment variable that can be injected on each claim / release sequence.

classDiagram Instance <-- Image_Environment_Variables Instance <-- User_Scoped_Variables Instance <-- User_Environment_Variables Instance <-- Cycle_Environment_Variables Instance: +Cycle Environment Variables Instance: +Image Environment Variables Instance: +User Environment Variables Instance: +User Scoped Variables class Cycle_Environment_Variables{ +CYCLE_SERVER_ID +CYCLE_API_KEY +... } class Image_Environment_Variables{ +NODE_VERSION +REACT_VERSION +... } class User_Environment_Variables{ +DB_URL +DB_PROTOCOL +... } class User_Scoped_Variables{ +GLOBAL_VARIABLE +... }

Order of Evaluation

While Cycle & image defined environment variables cannot be removed from an image they could be overwritten.

In most cases, a user would not want to do this - however it is possible to do so. If a user were to supply an environment variable using a key that is evaluated in a step before the supplied variable, that key and value would be overwritten.

stateDiagram direction LR state "Empty" as EMPTY state "Image Defined Variables" as IDV state "Scoped Environment Variables" as SEV state "Container Environment Variables (config)" as CEV state "Function Runtime Variables" as FRV state "Cycle Global Environment Variables" as CGEV EMPTY --> IDV IDV --> SEV SEV --> CEV CEV --> FRV FRV --> CGEV