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Managing Account Security

Manage who has access to your account.

Grant Cycle Employees Access

In certain situations, it may be beneficial to have a member of Cycle's support team log in to your account to help resolve an issue. You control whether or not we have access, and can see a log of employees that have accessed your account.

  1. Click the Account Menu in the top left corner (your profile picture).
  2. In the menu, click your name be taken to the Account Settings page.
  3. Select the Security tab.
  4. Activate or deactivate the slider to toggle Cycle Support Login and click Update Security Settings.

Grant Access

Setting up Two-Factor Authentication

Enable (Disable) two-factor authentication:

  1. Click the Account Menu in the top left corner (your profile picture).
  2. In the menu, click your name be taken to the Account Settings page.
  3. Select the Security tab.
  4. Click on the Add (Remove) Two Factor Auth button
  5. Use the QR code to generate a new authentication code.
  6. Enter the new 6 digit code into the Token field.
  7. Select the Enable (Disable) button.

Resetting Two-Factor Authentication

If you need to reset your two-factor authentication, follow these steps.

  1. Complete the first step of sign in using your email and password.
  2. On the next step you're two-factor auth code will be requested. Click the link that says Can't Authenticate. Reset 2fa
  3. Enter two of the recovery codes provided during account create and then press Reset. Reset 2fa
  4. Reset your two-factor auth by scanning the new code. Reset 2fa
  5. Copy your new reset codes and store them somewhere safe. Reset 2fa