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Pipeline Variable Examples

Pipeline variables are incredibly flexible, let's take a look at some common use cases.

Image Overrides

Overriding the target for an image is a great way to use pipeline variables.

Image Override

Here you're overriding the target which is the full image name and tag combined. For example: cycleplatform/getting-started:latest.

After saving the step and the pipeline, you'll need to use the trigger dropdown located next to the Trigger button in the top right of the screen and add the appropriate value.

full target override

The other popular pattern here is to use the variable only for the image tag.

Image Override Tag

In this case, the value in the trigger modal would only be the tag value. For example: the latest tag.

Power User Pattern: Trigger Keys

A lot of Cycle power users, create a trigger key and then trigger their pipelines via these keys. Some use the keys locally, while others put the keys into the end of their CI pipelines to kick off a deploy.

Deployment Version

Another common use case for pipeline variables is defining a deployment version.

Deployment Version Stack

This variable declaration can then be used throughout the rest of the pipeline steps to make sure the deployment version is identical on several different steps such as:

  • Start Environment Deployment
  • Wait For Environment Deployment Health Check
  • Update Deployment Tag Version